Thursday, September 25, 2008

Question #4

Question: Justify what situations or applications programmers will rather use Assembly Languages than Higher Level Progamming Languages and vice versa.
Answer: For me, I will prefer Higher Level Programming Language it has a strong abstraction that defines how "high level" a programming language. It is simplier, easier and more understandable than Assembly Language because it is closely related to the english language.
Reference: Wikipedia

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Question #3

Question #3: Research in the net what is the best assembler and why.
Answer: For me, the best assembler is the FASM because it source of open intel style as assembler it also known for its fast speed, size optimizations, OS portability and macro capabilities. FASM contains binding to the windows it can directly output in binary or executables in either MZ, ELF and PE format.
It is a low-level assembler and it is not supported by the high level statement instead it provides syntax features and macros which make it possible to customize or create missings statement.
Student name: Zyra Joy Palmes
Reference: Wikipedia


Question #2: Research in the net usual applications done in assembly language. Describe these applications briefly and cite the efficiency and effectiveness of these applications.
Answer: Assembly language it is a low-level language for programming, it also defined by a hardware manufacturer to help the programer remember the instructions and register. From now Assembly language is used as a direct hardware manipulation.
Student name: Zyra Joy Palmes
Reference: Wikipedia

Monday, September 15, 2008

Question # 1

Title: Question # 1
Question: What topic(s) in MCS213 do you find easy or difficult and why?
Answer: For me the topic that i found difficult is the topic about programing this is the topic that i hardly to understand especially when my teacher told us to program the conversion of binary numbers.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008